Role of Company Secretary before an Annual General Meeting

What is the role of a company secretary before, during, and after a meeting? A successful meeting starts with thorough preparation. Proper preparation should begin at least 30 days in advance (including a statutory 21-day notice for an AGM and 28 days for a meeting requiring a Special Notice). This post is written from a…

Checklist for Governance of NGO’s in Kenya

Registration: Ensure that the NGO is registered with the relevant authorities in Kenya, such as the Non-Governmental Organizations Coordination Board. Board of Directors: Ensure that the NGO has a Board of Directors that is responsible for the overall management and direction of the organization. Constitution: Ensure that the NGO has a constitution that outlines its…

Work Permits in Kenya – Immigration services in Kenya
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Work Permits in Kenya – Immigration services in Kenya

      CLASS A (Mining permits) This permit is issued to persons who are planning to engage in prospecting for minerals or mining. The necessary licenses and registrations should be obtained. This can be obtained by inquiring with the State Department of Mining and registering for access to the Mining Cadastre Portal in person….

Investor Permit in Kenya

Investor Permit in Kenya

An investor in Kenya is required to register with the Kenya Investment Authority (Keninvest). Upon registration, the investor obtains an Investment Certificate. With this certificate, the investor benefits from the initial issuance of any additional licenses required for their operations except for health, security, and environmental certificates for a maximum period of one year. The…


The Regulation of Digital Lending in Kenya

Background The Central Bank on 18 March 2022 operationalized the Central Bank of Kenya (Digital Credit Providers) Regulations, 2022 according to the Central Bank the mandate to regulate Digital Credit Providers in Kenya. The regulations are to apply to entities wishing to carry out credit facilities or loan services through a digital channel in Kenya,…

How to become a Payment Service Provider in Kenya

How to become a Payment Service Provider in Kenya

With cash no longer king, Kenya’s traditional banking model has undergone an unprecedented transformation. There is a heightened acceptance of internet-ready payment platforms that are faster, hassle-free, and efficient. Payment service providers have developed to satisfy the growing appetite for solutions such as contactless payment. A payment service provider is a person, company, or organization…