Have you filed the annual returns? Well, you run the risk of being penalized and the company being struck off by the Registrar of Companies. Annual returns show the changes that have occurred at the company during the year such as change of shareholding, directorship, and registered office of the company.
Section 125 of the Companies Act stipulates that every company having a share capital shall, once at least in every year, make a return, and the said return shall be in the form and shall be made up to the date of the fourteenth day after the date of the annual general meeting.
The annual returns should be made at least once every calendar year.
The annual return is be completed within forty-two (42) days after the annual general meeting for the year of the annual return, and the company must within such period deliver to the registrar a copy of the annual return, signed both by a director and by the secretary of the company.
If a company fails to comply with this requirement, the company and every officer of the company who is in default shall be liable to a default fine as may be deemed fit by the registrar. It should be noted that the term “officer” as used here includes any person in accordance with whose directions or instructions the directors of the company are accustomed to act.
In filing the Annual Return, the completed form is submitted at the Companies Registry with the requisite fees before accepted for filing. Late filing of annual returns attracts a penalty for every year defaulted.
Have you filed the annual returns? Well, you run the risk of being penalized and the company being struck off by the Registrar of Companies. Annual returns show the changes that have occurred at the company during the year such as change of shareholding, directorship, and registered office of the company.
Section 125 of the Companies Act stipulates that every company having a share capital shall, once at least in every year, make a return, and the said return shall be in the form and shall be made up to the date of the fourteenth day after the date of the annual general meeting.
The annual returns should be made at least once every calendar year.
The annual return is be completed within forty-two (42) days after the annual general meeting for the year of the annual return, and the company must within such period deliver to the registrar a copy of the annual return, signed both by a director and by the secretary of the company.
If a company fails to comply with this requirement, the company and every officer of the company who is in default shall be liable to a default fine as may be deemed fit by the registrar. It should be noted that the term “officer” as used here includes any person in accordance with whose directions or instructions the directors of the company are accustomed to act.
In filing the Annual Return, the completed form is submitted at the Companies Registry with the requisite fees before accepted for filing. Late filing of annual returns attracts a penalty for every year defaulted.